Tuesday, September 30, 2008

School days!

Well, once a month isn't bad! I'm getting September in! We started school this month and Kai is still just as excited to learn. We are having a blast and he is so motivated that he can get almost all of his independent work done in just a couple of hours. He is taking 4 classes at the school again, PE, Science, Art, and Literature/Writing Circle. He loves to read, and wants so badly to "skip a grade". We are just working and he is doing above his grade level work, but we just worry about the education part, not what grade he is in. It is so fun watching my children learn, and having the flexibility to turn everything into "school" we try to learn and discuss whatever there is a question about. If we want to know more, Kai loves to google it.

We took our own school pictures thanks to our talented SIL photographer, Susan. What doesn't she do? They turned out so cute!


Chris said...

Love those DARN CUTE Kiddos! Good job with School little Kai!!!

Candy said...

You had such a great mom to teach that learning was the greatest thing ever! What adorable pitcures of your kids - I miss you all so much!

Sean and Abby said...

you have such a cute the way I meant to tell you forever ago that I really liked the talk you gave in sacrament...